Comparing First Nations Led Land and Housing Regulation Models across Metro Vancouver
This project directly promotes the objective of Indigenous-led housing development in urban areas as a strategy in affordable housing development, including the Senakw housing developments planned by the Squamish Nation on reserve lands alongside Vancouver.
Jump to Research OutputsIs there a best practice in Indigenous development models?
Funding will be used to expand our previously funded work on the Metro Vancouver Zoning research project (CMHC) and the Mapping the Zoning of First Nations in Metro Vancouver project (BSH Node). This project directly promotes the objective of Indigenous-led housing development in urban areas as a strategy in affordable housing development, including the Senakw housing developments planned by the Squamish Nation on reserve lands alongside Vancouver. We will both continue this work and expand our efforts to comparatively document the diversity of First Nations led development models in addition to First Nations land regulations (e.g. zoning). We will also draw upon grant funding to incorporate consultation with First Nations involved.
Project Lead(s):
Home Organization:
University of British Columbia
Other Participants:
Community Partner:
Jens von Bergmann, Mountainmath
Funding Stream:
Comparative Project
Project Status:
Metro Vancouver Zoning research project: MVZ, funded by CMHC, assembles together the various zoning by-laws of the 21+ municipal governments of Metro Vancouver into a coherent map and also attempts to explore change over time. The integrated map to date is available here: Inclusion of First Nation zoning is on-going and we will use the funding to continue our work, developing consultation with First Nations on the best methods of conceptualizing and presenting land use codes. Following consultation with the First Nations, we hope to mobilize knowledge about First Nations zoning through a combination of the following methods: a short brief which explains, in plain-language, the legal and policy frameworks used by First Nations; a walking tour, to be available online; a workshop with First Nations leaders to discuss their approaches to land management; and academic articles.
Research Outputs
Existing reports, presentation materials, podcasts, webinar recordings and research summaries.

Metro Vancouver Zoning research project
Metro Vancouver Zoning research project: MVZ, funded by CMHC, assembles together the various zoning by-laws of the 21+ municipal governments of Metro Vancouver into a coherent map and also attempts to explore change over time. The integrated map to date is available here:
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Research in Progress on Indigenous Land Policy
The Balanced Supply of Housing presents a Research in Progress webinar on Indigenous Land Policy, Urban Indigenous Housing and First Nations Land Development in the Greater Vancouver Area.
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