Lu Han
Rotman School of Management University of Toronto
Lu Han is Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy and the Premier’s Research Chair in Productivity and Competitiveness at Rotman. She is a Chief Scientist at the Behavioral Economics in Action (BEAR), a Research Fellow at the Centre for Real Estate and Urban Economics and a Weimer Fellow at the Homer Hoyt Institute. She currently serves on the Board of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, and the Editorial Boards for Journal of Urban Economics, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, and Regional Science and Urban Economics. Lu received a PhD in Economics from Stanford University. Lu’s research examines housing market dynamics and risks, the microstructure of real estate markets, incentives and efficiencies in the brokerage industry, housing policies, international real estate and green amenities. Her work has been published in highly regarded economics, finance and real estate journals, such as RAND Journal of Economics, Review of Financial Studies, International Economic Review, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and Real Estate Economics. She has also contributed to a number of books, including the Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics and Housing Markets and the Financial Crisis.
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